Friday, July 22, 2011

Pailsey Shower's

So we have had have been blessed with 3 showers since we have been home.  My aunt Michelle, and my cousins Laura, Jodi, Savannah, and Christine threw us a Sip and See shower, my FBC of Stamps gave us a  gift card shower, and some sweet ladies (Kay Barr, Lisa Niell, Susan Hanson, and Ann Niell) from our Home church FBC of Magnolia threw us a shower.  Pailsey received so many things she really needed and a few things she didn't just to spiol her. lol We are so grateful for every one who gave to us.  We did not expect anything and the Lord has once again taken care of us.  Here are a few pics from the showers.
 Opening gifts!
 These were absolutely delicious!
 Aunt Diane was so excited to meet Paisley!
 Me and my Precious Baby Girl!
 My mom and her sister in laws.  They are the best!
 Four Generations!
 The hostesses for the sip and see Shower.
 The decor was so cute!
These were made by my cousin Josh's Girlfriend (Christine) Yummy! She is so talented!
 These were some of the gifts from the FBC shower!
 Loved the Food! Delish!
Paisley slept through almost all of the shower and then she decided she would cry the rest of the time! lol

A big thanks to everyone for all that we received. We are so blessed to have you in our lives!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Watch Me Grow!

So we can not believe it, but Paisley was a month old on July 16.  This is her picture on that day.  I have no had time to post it until now.  She has been such an awesome baby and we have enjoyed her so much.  She is beginning to have a little personality.  She is starting to smile, look at us, and has become much more alert.  She is sleeping well at night and when we put her down at about 10 or 11 she sleeps till around 2 and then wakes us to eat and then she goes back to sleep till around 6.  She has brought so much joy to our lives and we do not know what we ever did without her.  God has given us her as a precious gift and we are so extremely blessed and in awe of Him.  

Productive Summer

Mandy and I have really enjoyed being back with family here in Arkansas for the summer, but more has happened than just visiting with them. One of the things that we were looking forward to was a meeting that we were having with our church leaders, John David Smith (the Executive director of the Baptist Missionary Association of America), and Doug Schiable (a representative from New Tribes Mission). We discussed what it would look like for the BMAA and NTM to work together with us to see a mature church established among a people group that has never heard the good news of Jesus Christ. We also talked about what our vision is for First Baptist Church of Magnolia to be our sending Church and how intimately we want the whole body there to be involved in every step of the process. It was an awesome meeting and we are praising the Lord for how well things went. We are getting excited at looking towards the future and how the Lord might use us (even though He doesn't need us!) for His glory among the nations! I have three different preaching engagements coming up at three different churches in the next few weeks. We hope to clearly share what the Lord is leading us to do and to encourage the believers where we will I will be speaking. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Just Chillin!

Miss Cool lounging by the pool!

Meeting more Family!!

Here is some pics of Paisley meeting more of the family!!
Paisley and Maw Maw Camp

Paw Paw and Maw Maw Cheney and Paisley!

Uncle Mark and Paisley

Cousin Savannah!

Paisley and Cousin Kaci!

Some Cheney Grandkids and Grandparents!

Paisley and Auntie Debsie!

Happy Late Fourth!!

This was sweet Paisley on the Fourth.  Happy Late Fourth! 
Cutest thing ever in red, white, and blue!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

More Family Time!

We have been back in Arkansas for the past couple of weeks and we are having a great time.  Paisley is such a good baby. She hardly ever cries unless she is hungry or poopy.  She has been so much fun and we love her very much! Here are some more pics of her with family.
MeMe the oldest member of our family and Paisley the youngest.

Meeting Cousins Laura and Graham!
Granny and Paisley

Four Generations!